We pay a high price in both direct and indirect taxes for our government. These are intelligent people, paid to be informed. Government experts and documents are thus generally detailed, factual, reliable ... and helpful.

Government Websites
We can locate government websites with Foreign Government Resources on the Web thanks to the University of Michigan Documents Center. Alternatively, use International government entry points from the University of Southern California. There is also a list of Chiefs of State and Cabinet Members of Foreign Governments, courtesy of the CIA.
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United Kingdom Government Publications
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Australian Government
Australian Government Index of Publications (AGIP 1992+)
from AusInfo (formerly the AGPS).
There is an AGIP description of the file here but start here. AGIP books can be ordered through AusInfo, which has a store in each Australian Capital.
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The Guide to Australian Government Departments helps to know which government organization has authority on an issue. There are several ways to learn... A book in the library, one of two websites, or some strange little search engine called Wombat.
Australian Government Web Sites
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The United Nations also works for us. They are prolific publishers on all manner of international issues, their primary sources available through United Nations Depository Libraries and secondary (sales) documents more ubiquitous. We can get an approximate search of UN sales documents with the Library of Congress catalogue. Unions is the internet search engine of UN webpages. Read our United Nations Information article, for this topic.
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