But we can do more. And unlike youths, adults often have more challenging needs. We ask more penetrating question. Or at least we like to. In my Portland lectures I will describe how wind farms are good or bad depending on who stands at the pulpit. Finding the quality and balanced information can be complicated.
But we like simple. Simple is sweet. And little is more simple than tossing words at a search engine. Unfortunately, the internet through a search engine rarely touches notions of truth, quality, trust and value. It fails to mention perspective and bias. It's never comprehensive.
And so we turn to other means to gather great information. Next time you find a webpage that delights you, consider using Google's hidden inURL field search to find other pages nearby. This is how. If we like spireproject.com/past/census.htm, type inurl:spireproject.com/past/ into Google's normal search box to generate a list of neighboring pages. Give it a try. This handy technique often reveals further delightful documents. We also use this technique in judging quality. Its just one example of a more valuable way to gather internet information.
We need better search skills because we want better information. And those who want better information may wish to join me at the Portland DiscoverIT Centre.
Be Inspired - 1hour lecture
Dates: June 14th, 4-5pm, 7-8pm
Friday June 17th, 7-8pm (if interest permits)
Cost: $15
Be Productive - 3½ hour workshop
Friday June 17th, 9:30 am - 1pm
and again Friday June 17th , 2.00pm - 5.30pm
Cost $175
For further information : Call DiscoverIT Centre on 55231497 or 0408 528 011 - A.H.